domingo, 30 de junho de 2013

We won Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence in 2013

Hello world. We, team of Lisetonga would like to say our big THANK YOU to all our guests and travellers that have honoured us with their presence and reviews.

We are  very proud of it, but let's be honest. Would you not be? :-)

In your opinion we are an excellent hostel. We promise we are and will be working hard to keep up to this rating.


Viva Méxicoooo! ou Viva Brasilll!!! :-) nossa esta é dificil.

We love many many things about Mexico. To begin with, Liz is from Mexico. So Viva Mexico cabrones!!!

But hey:-) Brasil (and yes, we write it with 's' :-) ) gave us so many great experiences over the years...Da para não torcer pelo Brasil? We surely hope to see some excellent breathtaking football today!

Smile. It's a nice day.

sábado, 29 de junho de 2013

Thiaginho leaving.

Join us in wishing our Thiaginho all the best as he is moving on from Lisetonga. 

It has been quite a while, with us. Thiago worked as night reception, day reception, but what he really enjoyed was the BARRRRR :-) 

And in the words of our guests, his caipirinhas were very very enjoyable. Read few of so many reviews mentioning Thiago in the picture below.

Thank you for the smiles and laughs. Take care and bon voyage! 

Smile. It's a nice day.